QLever UI2

Quick Start

The easiest way to run QLever UI2 is to use the provided docker container.

First, make sure Docker is installed and running. To build and start the container, run

git clone https://github.com/SimonSelg/qlever-ui2.git
cd qlever-ui
docker-compose up -d # this builds the docker-container if needed

The App will be available on http://<machine ip>:8080.

You can adjust some configuration docker-compose.yaml. For possible explanations of the config keys, have a look at the qlever-ui2-frontend README and the qlever-ui2-backend README.

Development Environment

For developing, a dockerless setup is recommended.

# install dependencies

# start the backend and the frontend dev server
yarn dev

Now the App will be available on http://localhost:8080.

The frontend supports hot-reloading. Just change a file in frontend/src/, and the change will be replected inside the app. No page reload needed.